Beauty products, vitamins & supplements, gourmet products and other high margin items
We help you sell more of the 20-50% margin products!
Why Buy? Cards
The same functionality as our Happy Hour Unlimited cards applies to other products in your store. In the HBC and GM aisles of your stores lie many high-margin items which can add greatly to your bottom line. Why not take advantage of the great effect our cards have in educating customers shopping for these products and help them choose the right one? Again, that happy customer will come back for more and choose your store over any other.
68% of buying decisions take place at the shelf.
Educating your customers cuts out the confusion and results in more sales. That's where the Why Buy? Card comes in!
Why Buy? Cards
In the HBC and GM isles of your stores lie many high-margin items which can add greatly to your bottom line. Why not take advantage of the great effect our cards have on confused customers shopping for these products and help them choose them “Pick Right Every Time”? Again , that happy customer will come back for more and choose you store over any other.